Copper Boom
/If you know where Stars Hollow is, who Amy-Sherman Palladino is and what a Gilmorism is, then stick around. If you can't answer yes to any of these questions, then this blog post probably isn't for you.

I grew up watching Gilmore Girls everyday after school at 4 o'clock on ABC Family. I'd sit on the couch eating a pint of HΓ€agen-Dazs coffee ice cream, "doing my homework," and having my mom roll her eyes and say, "Annie-I've even seen this episode 100 times, turn it off and do you homework." Then I'd have to assure her, "Yes mom I have too, it's just background noise, I'm not watching, I really am doing my homework." haha jokes on you mom.
The fact that I'm about to have access to Gilmore Girls 24/7 hasn't really set in yet. My life is about to be filled with numerous Gilmorisms, Lorelai's life lessons, episodes with Jess and Logan on repeat, watching "You Jump I Jump Jack" over and over, skipping most episodes where Dean and Rory were together, wondering if the coffee at Luke's is really that good and finally wishing I could stay the night at The Drangonfly Inn.
Gilmore Girls was my life all of middle school and high school and it's about to be apart of my life again. I can't wait. GG was so apart of my life, Kathleen and I even dedicated a whole day one summer to pretending like we were in Gilmore Girls. We had coffee at Luke's (our house), took a trip to the video store (Blockbuster), had a cafe lunch at Westin's (McLaren's, for all you Edmonites), and, Kathleen help me if I'm making this up but I'm pretty sure we paid a visit to Grandmother's and referred to her as Emily.
Did you know you can take a tour of the Stars Hollow set at the WB studies in LA? Ya I want to do that.
Like most Gilmore-crazed fans, I've taken all the quizzes, read all the BuzzFeeds and taken advantage of all the ways to brush up on my GG knowledge before it airs next Wednesday.
Some fun facts I've learned along the way...Rory actually hates coffee and would drink Coke out of her coffee cup while filming. There was almost a Jess spinoff show after he ran off to visit his dad in California. And the worst, Paris originally auditioned for the part of Rory, can you imagine?
Kathleen challenged me in the Vultures quiz yesterday, she beat me, wha wha, but we both got "Luke," as our result. I have to be honest, I was never a Luke fan, I was especially never a Luke and Lorelai fan.
Some of my favorites are:
Favorite boy from Lorelai's life...Christopher. Yes, I know, but for the sake of Rory I always wanted them to end up together.
Favorite boy from Rory's life...Jess, ah Jess!
Favortie episode...You Jump I Jump Jack. In omnia paratus.
Favorite gilmorism...Copper Boom! It comes from the episode when Rory moves into college. I just think it's a fun phrase and I surprisingly can find ways to sneak it into everyday conversations.
In my research for this post I came across quite the collection of Rory and Lorelai pictures. Entertain yourself with seeing how they changed throughout the seasons.
and again...Rory, you a little tired?
Sing it with me now,
"If you're out on the road
Feeling lonely and so cold
All you have to do is call my name
And I'll be there on the next train
Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead"