Summer TDL

Usually after the Fourth of July, it seems like summer is on the downhill slope. The good thing about working and not having to go back to school is that I can really end my summer whenever I want to. That being said, I'm instating summer all year round!!! 
I've had a little summer to-do list on my phone for a while now, but haven't gotten around to checking many things off my list. With my "never ending" summer I have all the time in the world to get my to-do list done. On a more real note, I want to start actively checking things off the list! 
1. Make a killer homemade ice cream recipe, like this one!

2. Practice my grilling skills, this one utterly failed last night so I have some work to do.

3. Rent bikes and ride around town. We have this little bike rental program in OKC and I have yet to take advantage of it!

4. Make s'mores. Fancy or classic, it's just a summer staple. 

5. Re-instate Wine Wednesday. We had all the plans in the world to do this every week during the summer. It's happened once...

6. Visit the farmer's market to pick up a week's worth of produce. 

7. Take a mini vaycay to SoCal. This one is possibly in the works! It may not happen until the fall, but then again, my summer is never ending:)

8. Make a picnic and enjoy it in the park. 

9. Take a food photography class. Brit+Co has one for $20!

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I'm a big list maker. I'm one of those people who writes something in on my TDL after I've already done it, just so I can cross it off. Productivity drives me! Writing this post was on yesterday's to-do list, check! Happy girl to get that done. Stay tuned to see if I get everything checked off my Summer TDL!