Matcha Mint Smoothie


When biggest sis Claire was home back in April, we tried to balance our huge dinners with lots of smoothies and morning workouts. I made her my Perfect Green Smoothie, because, well it's perfect. She agreed. We also made a stop at Organic Squeeze for CB&J smoothies. You can find my recreation here

A few weeks later I got this snapchat from sis insisting that I needed to recreate a smoothie she had. I go weak for green smoothies, so I was game. Claire mentioned how the lady making her smoothie suggested she add matcha next time. Matcha is easily my favorite flavor right now, so that was a given addition when I was to recreate. 

After some trial and error, I give you this tasty matcha mint smoothie recipe! New to matcha? Jump on board. It's the purest form of green tea leaves, giving you so many more nutrients. It has magical energy, detox, and calming powers. Great for weight management,  your skin, combating aging and helps to build immunity. It has a crazy amount of antioxidants and just 1 cup of prepared matcha is equivalent to 10 cups of green tea. Combine it with warm or cold almond milk for a latte, use it in baking, turn it into ice cream, shake it up with ice water, or mix it into a smoothie!


Matcha Mint Smoothie
serves 1

1 cup non-dairy milk, coconut water or H2O
1 cup spinach
a few sprigs of fresh mint
1/2 frozen banana
1/4 avocado (if you aren't into the avocado thing, use a full banana)
1 tsp. matcha powder (I use Vital Proteins, but any matcha will work here)
1 Tbsp. almond butter
a few shakes cinnamon
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
a handful of ice

Combine all ingredients in a high powered blender and blend until thick and smooth. Slurp up every last drop and thank me later. 



this post was updated on 6/5/20