Restaurant Review: Scratch Kitchen + Cocktails

Oh boy am I excited for this post. I wrote this summer about my idea of a dream job. If I could just be hired to eat at cool restaurants and write reviews on them for the rest of my life, I'd be the happiest girl. A few weeks ago I got to pretend my dream job was a reality.

With my days in sweet Normantown coming to an end, I've been trying to savor some of my favorite local bites.  Scratch Kitchen + Cocktails is a gem found in Norman's restaurant scene. Located right outside campus, on Historic Main Street, Scratch offers quality ingredient dishes and perfectly crafted cocktails all made from scratch, hence the name. People always ask me what my favorite restaurant is or what I would recommend for a good dinner. Well Scratch is always my answer. 

Now let me walk you through my perfect evening, all crafted from scratch.

I've visited Scratch a handful of times, but my meal was exceptional this go-around. The number one perk from this visit was getting to take a peek inside the kitchen. I've never been in a restaurant kitchen before so you can imagine how giddy I was. 


The hustle and bustle of prepping, cooking, plating and then delivering to guests had me mesmerized. I wanted so badly to throw on an apron and jump behind the stove, but I was warned to stand back. Wise words which I followed. These chefs have it down to a T and didn't need an overly excited girl with a camera to her eye messing up their mojo. Although I was snapping away, they continued to create plates of magical looking food. I wanted to shove everything in my mouth.

Now back to my meal. My sweet friend and go-to dinner date started our meal in Scratch fashion with one of their scratch made cocktails. The menu is always changing as the bartenders continuously come up with new crafted beverages from some of the best libations. 

The Icy Mitt for myself and Giving Up the Gun for my friend. Two grapefruit flavored cocktails, mine with brandy, lemon and lavender syrup, hers with gin, hibiscus and sparkling wine. Those ingredients alone. Lavender syrup? Yup, you got me there. Find their whole scratch cocktail menu here.

Our server Robin really took care of us. I'm notorious for asking my waiter's opinion, but I'm also known for asking them and still making my own decision. Not with Robin, I put all my trust in that girl and she never led us astray. We were doing it big, so by following her suggestion, we started with both the Arancini and Sooner State Board.

Arancini // risotto balls with roasted corn and green chilies, flash-fried and served in chipotle mole sauce // Nothing about that makes it sound like it could be anything but amazing. Which it is. I could order this appetizer as my entree and be so happy.

Sooner State Board // salami, smoked gouda, parmasean, brie, almond covered goat cheese, candied pecans and dried apricots // My okie pride really stirred when this cheese board came out served on an Oklahoma cutting board.

Although known for their scratch drinks, the list of classic cocktails still measures up. A Pimm's Cup is one of my favorite cocktails and Scratch has one of the best. I'm biased and think my dad makes the best, but it's my number one drink recommendation when at Scratch. We indulged in one to pair with our entrees. 

Now for the main event. We saved just enough room to bite into the California Girl sandwich and Coffee Pork Loin. Another one of Robin's suggestions that will now be mine too. It was unreal.

Coffee Pork Loin // Coffee crusted pork seared on the grill then finished in the oven. Topped with a port wine reduction and served with rosemary-roasted fingerling potatoes and charred broccolini // Stellar. Yes I'm going as bold as using the word stellar. The flavor was incredible and the portion was perfect.

California Girl // Herb-marinated chicken topped with provolone, guacamole, tomato, onion, sprouts and roasted garlic aioli on a sunflower honey wheat bun and served with shoestring fries // The sandwich was great but I could go on about these fries for hours. This was my friend's order although I'm also claiming it as my own because of the amount of fries I ate. I don't know when I turned into such a french fry connoisseur, but Scratch fed my obsession. You can see the mess I made in the next picture while I was trying to sneak a fry in the middle of a shot.

A perfect night of feeling like a true food critic. There were lots of awkward moments like standing up in my booth to get the prefect birds-eye shot and rearranging plates and drinks to position everything just right. Big kudos to Amy, Robin, Brady and the rest of the staff! Thank you for everything Scratch, we loved getting to take a bite!

Like what you see? Well I'm now available for dinner and drinks! Email me to discuss getting a review for your restaurant!


*Disclaimer: This is not a paid promoted post but I was paid in kind for compensation.