Bites of My Life

Four day week let's go!!! Bring on the holiday weekend. I'm staying close this 4th and doing a little staycation for the holiday. Dinners, parades, pool parties, barbecue and of course fireworks are on the lineup for the weekend.  Just have to power through four work days then it's celebration time. 
I've always loved the 4th. I love a good holiday and I love tradition. I'll be fully decked in red, white and blue all day and most likely will be baking up something festive. The weekends are too fun these days they make the week worth it to always have something to look forward to! What's on deck for your Fourth of July?
-Whipped up a big batch of greek quinoa for work lunches, packs perfectly in little mason jars.
-Got really fun responses to people trying out my "perfect green smoothie." Loved this insta shout out from my girls Madison and Peyton.
-Greek quinoa transformed into dinner by being piled up into a roasted bell pepper (washed down with handfuls of chips and salsa)...
-Had the day off Friday so I took the morning outside for a little green tea and yoga. 
-Followed my peaceful healthy morning with a big greasy onion cheese burger and fries. It was worth it. 
-It's been far too long since I baked so I broke in my new kitchen with two sweet recipes, both coming this week!
-Finally all in the same city and under the same roof, cheers to these summer roomies. 
-I'm a bottomless pit on the weekends so a snack of breakfast tacos at 4 PM on Saturday somehow happened. 
-A little night out in the city making me grateful for this place I live in. 