Lavender Brownies

At this point I'd say it's pretty obvious I'm lavender obsessed. Lavender cookies, lavender lemonade, lavender cupcakes, I've made this lavender granola before, lemon lavender pound cake, I've put lavender in my smoothies, the list really goes on. To keep the merriment going, today I bring you Lavender Brownies! 
I honestly found this recipe while searching for a recipe for lavender honey ice cream. I told you I was obsessed. I had all the plans in the world to make some lavender ice cream but these brownies intruded. No worries, ice cream to come!
To get the lavender into the brownies you pulse the sugar and lavender buds together in a food processor (perfect way to break in my new Cuisinart I got for my birthday, I'm so weird). This is the same method as used in these cookies. During my baking spree last Friday I apparently turned into this flavored sugar making machine. See below my lavender sugar and grapefruit sugar. Speaking of did you catch yesterday's Grapefruit White Chocolate Brown Butter cookies?

Butter and chocolate are melted together with the addition of the sugar, flour, eggs, vanilla and cinnamon. Don't worry these brownies don't taste like a flower or anything. The lavender really adds a lot and helps cut the richness of a traditional brownie. 

Lavender Brownies
yields 9 brownies, adapted from Homesick Texan
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. dried lavender buds, plus additional for garnish
4 oz bittersweet chocolate
8 Tbsp. (1 stick) unsalted butter
1/8 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup flour
flaked or corse sea salt, optional
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and lightly grease a 8x8 or 9x9 square pan. 
In a food processor, pulse the sugar and lavender together until combined and the lavender is small.
In a saucepan on low, melt the chocolate and butter together. Once melted, turn off the heat and stir in the lavender sugar, salt, cinnamon and vanilla. Add the beaten eggs until well combined, then stir in the flour until everything is mixed. A thick batter will form!
Pour your batter into the pan and bake for 25-30 minutes until a knife or tooth pick comes out clean. Pull your brownies out of the oven and sprinkle with the sea salt and lavender buds. I like to rub the lavender between the palm of my hands to create smaller pieces to garnish with. Wait for the brownies to completely cool before you try to cut into them!

**You can find lavender on the spice aisle at Sprouts or other specialty grocery stores or spice markets. 

Try them, you just must. Dunk them in a glass of milk too for added deliciousness. 