Bites of My Life

It's the first day of school again! Not really, but today is the first day of my new job. I got a sneak peek last week by getting to help out here and there with a current project. It ended up being way less work and way more fun. All signs are pointing up with this new gig. 

We had our first run in with spring tornado weather last week. But in typical Oklahoma fashion it was all about the hype with little to no action. A total let down for this storm geek. I love a good nader watch! 

I squeezed in just enough to my last week of funemployment. It's been nice, but I'm a little ready to step back into reality. 

-The ethnic food vibes are still going strong after this recipe
-Taking my hand at homemade matcha lattes. Still have some work to do, but it will work for now. 
-A sunny green smoothie bowl inspired by my new Lemon Pistachio Michele's granola
-Taking bites, on set! The new job is already off to a great start.
-Bring on the summer salads. 
-Y'all I did it! I perfected my CCC recipe!
-On a serious matcha latte kick. 
-Enjoying our city from all perspectives. Like from the middle of the street. 
-Proud Chick-Fil-A card members.
