Bites of My Life

Thank goodness for a really great weekend to pull me out of my Hawaii depression. Last week was hard coming off vacation. However, it was super busy playing catch up, work in general being busy, life in general being busy, it all helped distract me from my post-vacay blues. But nothing like oldest sis coming in town, leading to a great fam filled weekend to turn things around. Truly a great weekend, that's all I can say. 

Now back to the craziness. April man. Always kicks me in the.... 

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-Finishing up the workday on my back patio with spring like weather is the best way to end a Monday. 
-PSA letting you know how delicious the lunch (especially the tacos) are at Okay Yeah!
-When Take A Bite and Claire Martin Designs collide.
-Loved celebrating 5 years of Take A Bite giving away some of my favorite things!
-When sis is in town we eat, drink, and then eat and drink. #notmad.
-Ladies who brunch. (p.s. EnCroute has some very notable brunch additions to their menu.
-And the winner for the best wedding invitations goes to...
-Grilled Pizza for Claire's last night in town.
