Bites of My Life

Quick wellness update: I had a sinus congestions for about the past two weeks that turned into a bacterial infection that then lead to the most miserable sinus pressure and migraine I’ve ever experienced. I thought I was on the mend, but went in for a steroid shot on Friday to really kick it out of my system and that’s when things went downhill. The pain lingered in my forehead, in my nose, in my teeth, behind my neck, and ears, it was awful. A lot of tears, hot showers and baths, frozen vegetables on my head, naps, Advil, and peppermint oil. I’m trying acupuncture for the first time this morning and praying to God that it helps relieve some of the dull pain I’m still feeling. Fingers crossed I get back to feeling like myself again. This allergy/sinus mess going around is no joke. It’s also my birthday on Thursday, and sister is not trying to have a migraine on her bday!

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-Threw together this random assortment of pantry ingredients for Monday night dinner that ended up lasting me for multiple meals during the week. I used this recipe as a guide and I highly recommend it.
-Packed up a very lunch box looking lunch and it sparked a weird amount of joy.
-Step aside Agolde Parker shorts (which I own and do not like), I have found my jean shorts of the summer. And they are $50!!
-Got a surprise visit from my parents on Thursday as they were driving en route to Austin to see my sister and BIL’s new place! They came bearing hammy-downs from their recent move, lunch, and an early birthday gift, addressed to Ann…hey mom it’s Anne or Annie? LOL
-One of the better drinks I’ve had in a minute. This passionfruit gimlet from Beverly’s was so good for Friday happy hour.
-Friday happy hour lasted longer than an hour as two of my girlfriends and I bumped into some friends from college and then finished the night with the best chips and salsa (and butter) in Dallas.
-My migraine and sinus pain kind of swept me off my feet this weekend. Saturday and Sunday looked a lot like this.
-Left the house to pick up more advil and an antibiotic and swung by Pressed Juicery for a Pressed Freeze too. I forgot how good these are!
-I’m addicted to the oat milk latte’s at my neighborhood bakery and I don’t care that I spend almost $6 on them.
