Rom Com Valentine Playlist

My Rom Com Holiday playlist was such a hit (thank you to all who liked, downloaded and listened), it only seemed right to follow it up with a Rom Com Valentine playlist. Full of loveable songs and scores from my personal favorite romantic comedies.

February 1st kicks off the lead-up to Valentineโ€™s Day. So, I give you a 30 song playlist to set the mood.

Itโ€™s Complicated, Because I Said So, One Fine Day, My Best Friendโ€™s Wedding, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and of course Valentineโ€™s Day are just a few rom coms featured on the playlist.

Just like my holiday playlist, I encourage you to listen in its already curated order instead of shuffling. Press play while on a walk or driving around town to become quickly transported.

Favorite, save, listen, download my Rom Com Valentine playlist here. Let me know if you recognize which songs are from which movie.


โ€œI love that when I breathe you in you smell like cake batter. And I love that you have this insane way of talking in circles that makes perfect sense.โ€


Rom Com Holiday Playlist

I oddly (or maybe you can relate) love to listen to movie scores as I walk or drive around town. It instantly transports me to my main character alter ego on the set of my own romantic comedy. Hans Zimmer take me away!

If youโ€™ve never done this, try it! Father of the Bride, Youโ€™ve Got Mail, and The Holiday are some of my favorite scores. This leads me to the holidays. Today is December 1st which means full-fledged Christmas music is on until the big day!

I typically always throw together or freshen up an old holiday playlist to listen throughout the season. However this year, Iโ€™ve created a rom com holiday playlist inspired by all of my favorite Christmas movies.

Picture this: Sybill is making coffee in the kitchen, Elsie is serving up her homemade eggnog, there is construction paper garland hung from the bookshelves, Graham is acting out Mr. Napkin Head, Meredith and Amy are bickering, Nanny is sneaking holiday fudgeโ€ฆ These moments combined would make for the ultimate Christmas scene, but they really are a combination of my favorite holiday movies. Donโ€™t forget Sara and Johnathon, Buddy, Eloise, Kevin, Judy, Betty, Phil and Bob!

My playlist has scores, Christmas classics, and a few non-traditional, but movie scene-inspired songs in its mix. Listen and let it transform you to a cottage in the Cotswolds. Alright, Iโ€™m getting cheesy, but this playlist is really good. Like really good IMO. Oh, and please listen in order, none of that shuffling buisness on this one.

Favorite, save, listen, download my Rom Com Holiday playlist here. And let me know if you recognize which songs are from which movie.

You, you, you, you send me!
