Bites of My Life

Currently sitting on the floor of my living with a tissue stuffed in each nostril (TMI?) watching the new episode of KUWTK. Christmas cold you are not invited and can leave now. My head is in a fog so enough of this, keep scrolling for more interesting life happenings!

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-Pressed stop instead of snooze on my alarm for sister's early morning Barre3 class, but woke up late/just early enough to make it to Beyond pilates as self redemption. #mondays.
-Cherry Vanilla Almond shake to kick off the week. Frozen cherries, vanilla Arbonne protein, almond extract, ice and almond milk. 
-6:00 AM flow to celebrate my favorite studio's 6th year! Congrats Soul!
-Verde Turkey Chili on repeat last week. Loved seeing so many others doing the same. (here's looking at you Lexie, Madeline, Whitney and sis).
-Golden Milk and not pictured, copious amounts of chocolate chips (my current dessert of choice) were Wednesday's "bite while I watched" during Riverdale. Did you see last week's post??
-Too close for comfort one-on-one time with #GabetheBabe this weekend. 
-Yolk porn atop a smashed avo on rice cake for Saturday brekkie. 
-New yoga find this weekend. Come flow with me at 405 Yoga, it's the real deal! 
-Made Rachael's Good Eats raw chocolate bark to have as a dessert option this week instead of my current chocolate chip obsession. 


Bites of My Life

Hello spring, hello allergies! Nothing is better than getting a few peeks at spring weather, except when that means the inflow of torturous spring allergies. I had been un-anxiously awaiting their arrival and low and behold I woke up Friday morning to a bite from the allergy bug. I was joking with my mom that I knew I was going to get sick soon because as a kid I always had to miss the Valentine's Day party at school because of allergies.

Sneezing, coughing and sore throats aside, last week was a good one.  I think my January/winter depression has finally made its way out the door. Things are looking up up up. In my personal and work life things are pointing north. The new addition to the Tucker family isn't making anything hard either. If you follow me on Instagram you have already met #GabeTheBabe. My parents finally pulled the plug and brought a new puppy home. We are completely smitten and I'm having a hard time letting him out of my site. I'm going to be his most popular babysitter/dognapper...

-Homemade red sauce and spaghetti squash happened three nights in a row last week.
-New breakfast alert: Almond milk, frozen berries and granola. Amaze!
-My days at work are split between planning events and being the resident barista. Our new office coffee machine is sliiiiiightly distracting. 
-Not to toot my own horn, but I can make a mean bowl of guacamole.
-Visions of green after a pit stop at The Fit Pig for a Vim + Vigor juice and the new RXBar.
-After the allergies swooped in, my diet consisted of hot tea, cough drops and chicken noodle soup. Have y'all seen these new Campbell's Soup Keurig pods? Not bad.
-First meeting with my new puppy brother. I swore I would never be that obsessed dog person...oops!
-Doctors orders called for froyo.
-#GabeTheBabe getting his daily modeling in.
-Sundays, sniffles and steel cut oats. Power of three I suppose?
-Unexpected quickie visit from one I miss the most!
-Craving for vanilla wafers = make homemade vanilla wafers.
