Bites of My Life

Currently sitting on the floor of my living with a tissue stuffed in each nostril (TMI?) watching the new episode of KUWTK. Christmas cold you are not invited and can leave now. My head is in a fog so enough of this, keep scrolling for more interesting life happenings!

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-Pressed stop instead of snooze on my alarm for sister's early morning Barre3 class, but woke up late/just early enough to make it to Beyond pilates as self redemption. #mondays.
-Cherry Vanilla Almond shake to kick off the week. Frozen cherries, vanilla Arbonne protein, almond extract, ice and almond milk. 
-6:00 AM flow to celebrate my favorite studio's 6th year! Congrats Soul!
-Verde Turkey Chili on repeat last week. Loved seeing so many others doing the same. (here's looking at you Lexie, Madeline, Whitney and sis).
-Golden Milk and not pictured, copious amounts of chocolate chips (my current dessert of choice) were Wednesday's "bite while I watched" during Riverdale. Did you see last week's post??
-Too close for comfort one-on-one time with #GabetheBabe this weekend. 
-Yolk porn atop a smashed avo on rice cake for Saturday brekkie. 
-New yoga find this weekend. Come flow with me at 405 Yoga, it's the real deal! 
-Made Rachael's Good Eats raw chocolate bark to have as a dessert option this week instead of my current chocolate chip obsession. 


Bites of My Life

As I'm writing this post, it is currently pouring down rain. I'm obsessed. The perfect sleep aid for me is a rain storm. After a weekend in Dallas reuniting with my best gals from college, I'm more than exhausted. I slept the majority of the afternoon and now I'm climbing in to bed hoping I didn't ruin it by napping.

The week started with lots of pink, red and treats in the form of candy, pop tarts and cheese boards. I worked it off by using my StudioHop membership trying out new yoga and bootcamp classes. A CycleBar just opened up in OKC and I am already hooked. If you are local they have free rides all this week for you to try! Aside from eating and working out it was a busy week with work, so I was more than excited to skip out of town to enjoy the weekend. 

-Homemade pop tarts for my galentines! One of my favorite TAB recipes!
-A little galentine's spread in addition to our usual Monday Bachelor nights!
-Real life captured.
-Themed breakfasts are a must on holidays. Sliced bananas in the shape of a heart drizzled with 88 Acres Chocolate Sunflower Seed Butter (I'm obsessed) and cashew butter, topped with cinnamon and crushed freeze-dried raspberries.
-I love making bulletproof coffee in the morning and golden milk at night after dinner. I'm a sucker for a good food trend. That being said I combined the two by adding turmeric to my usual bulletproof recipe and it was way great. 
-Give me all the liquids in the morning. I love a good drink and find myself often walking out the door for the day with a water, a smoothie, a coffee or tea, sometimes a Le Croix too! The more the merrier I suppose. Friday morning post hot yoga was water, Jade Citrus Mint tea and a Spicy Thai smoothie from Organic Squeeze.
-It had been a hot minute since all of my best friends were in one place, luckily most of us are in driving distance of each other. Getting to be together and celebrate Katie and Matt's engagement made for the best weekend!
-Finally got to take one of my friend Shelby's Pilates Barre class. It was so hard, but I was obsessed. Anyone in Dallas take at The Pilates Barre? If so, I'm jealous!
-Gucci fresh ;)
